A friend came over yesterday to just talk and spend hang out for a little bit. She has two girls and they loved going outside with all the space and petting the horsey. She made me these adorable little Hats and booties for the girls. I cant wait to put them on our precious little babies when they get here.
Here are some pictures of clothes and such. Go ahead and take a peek.
These little dresses are priceless. they will look so cute for church on Sunday. |
Anyway just a few pictures of the clothes that I have got from people. Thanks to everyone for everything I have received. It certainly has been a blessing.
I think these were Tyanna and Teijas dresses from when they were little.
I was very glad to get lots of wipes and lotions for the girls. they will definitely be of good use!
Julie Gwilliam Made me this blanket for the girls. This is what will definitely be in their crib at the very beginning. :)
As everyone can probably tell we are getting excited for this new adventure that is coming. I can't wait to meet them, although its pretty scary too. But that is just me feeling inadequate for what heavenly father is expecting of me. It is a good thing I have so many examples in my family to learn from and who are so willing to help, only wish I lived a little closer to them. Tyler still wishes and hopes that they will stay in there till he is out of school in two weeks. But who knows what is going to happen. Part of me agrees with him that, that would be great, but the other part just wishes that they would come sooner than that. I am running out of things to do here at home. The garden is almost done being weeded :)