Thursday, March 20, 2014

Living the Dream

This is from a little while ago but I thought it was awesome. You know you married an engineer when you walk into the bathroom and find math drawn on the mirror. :) Gotta love 'em.
Tara drivin' the car with Dad.

Such cute little outfits. Not sure who gave them to us but we are thankful.

Thumb sucker!

Babies feet are always so darn cute for some reason. So tiny, yet so chubby.

Tara got attacked. She still doesn't roll over so when ever she is on her back Jena is a bully and crawls all over her and gouges her eyes ect.

But the awesome part is that she just takes it. She is definitely a laid back baby. "Whatever".

Not sure what happened here but its pretty funny picture. Bad timing I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love the swing picture. Your girls are adorable!!
