Not sure who all reads this, but just some food for thought. Something I have been struggling with.
I have been thinking a lot lately about how much thought or care I should be putting into the outside world. The outside world meaning things happening in the country (the good or the bad) and social issues that are continually popping up in articles on social media, on the news, radio, TV or whatever else. Growing up I never thought much about what was happening outside of my own family or school. Life revolved around sports and church. To me it seems Canada was a much more laid back place. Since I came to the US it seems issues are much larger and in need of our attention.
We are told time and time again to stand up for what we believe and to not give in to what we know to be wrong in even the slightest way. But my question is how far does that need to go? How strong should I be standing? Should I be publicly displaying my views for friends or family or farther to see? As members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we are responsible for the teaching of all people. But what does that mean? Is that strictly the teachings of the gospel? Or does that include standing for the freedom of our country or any other freedom I deem as right? Does it mean standing against things I deem as wrong? And again should I be showing these beliefs for people beyond family to see?
I know I need to teach these differences to my children and make sure they see what is truth and error, and I know that teaching them is the most important teaching I need to do, but is that enough?
For example writing something about the feminist movement (or the priesthood and women), or rights for religion, gays, speech, ect. I don't care too much for politics because there are simply to many views for one person to understand, but I do think we can know the difference between right and wrong. Again referring to the freedoms I listed, we have commandments and prophecies from God that clearly state the right, namely The Proclamation to the Family. We have this document from the church and are therefore obligated to share its contents.... right? But again the questions remains is it a good things to publicly state our thoughts? Is it effective?
I find that when people do share anything on a 'controversial' subject one person or another will demean or purposefully disgrace your character in the name of 'freedom' or for not showing respect or love to parties offended by your comment. It is at this point where you wish to defend your character by defending your previous statement while trying to show love and compassion no matter your view on the particular matter; and again the vicious cycle continues. But regardless of this consequence of sharing should we participate in educating others of what we think is right? Or is it worth it?
Maybe it is enough to only discuss these things with people we physically come in contact with and know well enough to have a civil conversation with. But I also ask myself the question: is there time for all of that? we are given the internet and other devices to use for good and spread good instantly. The prophets have told us to use it the best we can to spread the truth.
I am torn. Am I thinking about this too much? Thoughts or questions would be most appreciated.
Something to take a minute to think on.