Wednesday, June 12, 2013

31 Weeks

Well it keeps getting closer and closer. Went to the doctor today. The Girls are doing great. Baby A is 3 Pounds 12 ounces and Baby B is 4 pounds 2 ounces. So Pretty much a full grown baby inside me which kind of blows my mind.  Both babies are also breech so far, so Doc said unless something changes here fairly soon then chances are I will probably be having a C-section. Not sure if that makes me more scared or if it is calming to know what will happen.... all I know is that we are definitely not ready for them to come yet. I hope they at least stay there until the middle of July.

Thanks to my Sisters and Emily Allred I have what I do. mostly the larger most important things we do have which is such a blessing. I do have a baby shower this weekend so we will see what else we will need after that. I actually found a Crib Mattress for $15 this morning so thank goodness we found a cheap one to fit in Hutchins old crib. We are getting excited to meet our little ones!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how exciting! Twin girls for you and your man sounds like a bunch of fun! Hope all is well with you, Janae!

