They are really starting to smile at each other and us. They are definitely morning girls. Right after they wake up in the morning they are all smiles and just love getting attention from me or Tyler when he is around. They have both slept through the night, generally never the same night, however, Jenna slept for 11 hours last night. Tara woke up twice. so it definitely depends on the night. Personalities are started to appear. Tara seems to be a bit more chill, she rarely screams whereas Jenna when she wants something and doesn't get right away she will cry pretty hard. They have been able to roll from stomach to back since just after a month and are doing it regularly now. They can hold their heads up on their own with little trouble. They would much rather sleep on their stomachs than on their backs and love to snuggle. Right now they are both 10 pounds. Tara about 10 ounces bigger, but pretty close.
Sisterly bonding time :)
Spread Eagle
As you can imagine Jenna has a really big smile!
Cutest little hat !
Those little hats are the cutest. Fun to hear about their little personalities!!